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House Concert Guide for Hosts
I wish I would have had this THIS GUIDE 14 years ago when I started doing concerts in my back yard! You are truly amazing and I really appreciate everything you do for the community! Keep up the good work! — Cindy Buck
It’s hard to imagine someone with more in-depth knowledge of house concerts than Fran Snyder. This booklet combines experience from 20 years of performing, 10 years of hosting, and 10 years of running the most vibrant online resource for house concerts – CIYH. Please take and enjoy this gift.
Featuring: 24 pages of the most helpful tips and resources for presenting house concerts.

House Concert Guide for Artists
Oasis CD has released Fran Snyder’s Musician’s Guide to House Concerts. It’s built on the knowledge gained from 10 years of playing and hosting house concerts, as well as what Fran has learned from running, a worldwide network of house concerts he started in 2006.
No one on the planet has spent more time creatively thinking about house concerts than him. This guide contains excerpts from his upcoming book. You’ll find fresh insights that can help you re-think how house concerts can help you thrive as well as survive.